Northcliffe Walking Trails --S. Portion (Guadalupe Co.)

Northcliffe Walking Trails --S. Portion (Guadalupe Co.)

Schertz, Texas 78108

Tips for Birding

Arrive early in the morning or late in the afternoon for the best bird action.

If visiting the hotspot, enter through the location marked on the eBird map to access the trails.

Upon arrival, follow the trail to the north of the former clubhouse along the creek’s edge (you’ll see the thick brush line) for phoebes and sparrows. Continue this sidewalk trail up to the pond in the southwest corner of the property; you should be approaching from the north.

Utilize the reeds at the edge of the pond (you can leave the path) to crouch and get some nice sparrow and wren sightings. You can also view the pond fairly hidden this way.

In the winter, watch for assorted waterfowl. After hiding in the reeds, walk around the pond to the south (you will have to walk through grass) and continue walking around the pond until you’re on the opposite shore. This should give you a good view of waterfowl if present.

The thick brush on the edge of the pond often hides a bunch of smaller birds, including warblers in the spring and autumn.

Then return the way you came or continue along the path toward the highway.

You can also opt to cross the street from the clubhouse parking lot and enter the east side of the trails, which leads to another pond in Comal county.

Birds of Interest

Least Grebes in winter, assorted warblers in spring/autumn, assorted sparrows autumn through spring.

About this Location

This is a set of trails on the former Northcliffe Golf Course. Please be mindful of the residential areas surrounding this location (many don’t have fenced yards).


  • Roadside viewing

  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Kade Jackson

Last updated November 21, 2023