Little Sandy Pond

Little Sandy Pond

Little Sandy Pond Road Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360

Town of Plymouth Pond and Lake atlas (2016)
Ponds of Plymouth map

Tips for Birding

There is some visibility of the pond that can be accessed from the roadside on Little Sandy Pond Road.

About this Location

Little Sandy Pond is a 33.3 acre publicly owned pond located in southwestern Plymouth, north of Little Sandy Pond Road and south of Lunn’s Way. Shoreline development is fairly dense along the northern two-thirds of the shoreline mostly with residences on lots of 0.5 acre or less; the southern third of the shoreline is largely undeveloped. There is no formal public access, but there an informal access point off of Little Sandy Pond Road.


  • Roadside viewing

Content from Town of Plymouth Pond and Lake atlas (2016) and Noah Henkenius

Last updated February 20, 2023