Brown's Woods

Brown's Woods

465 SE Brown's Woods Drive West Des Moines, Iowa

Printable County Checklist

Tips for Birding

Birding Areas of Des Moines by Bob Cecil (2000)

Birds of Interest

Louisiana Waterthrush, Scarlet and Summer Tanagers, Pileated Woodpecker, Broad-winged Hawk, warblers in spring and fall

About this Location

Important Bird Area.
This county preserve is upland timber along the south banks of the Raccoon River. Amenities are few and trails may be steep but the birding is great.
From I-235 inn West Des Moines: Take the 63rd St exit, and head south for about 3 miles to Brown's Woods Dr. Take a right at the stoplight and follow the signs.
Upland timber that often hosts many otherwise difficult to find birds such as Summer Tanager and Pileated Woodpecker. The main trail of moderate difficulty winds down to the Raccoon River and back,

Notable Trails

Total Mileage: 4.4 Miles


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Iowa Ornithologists' Union

Last updated May 15, 2023

Brown's Woods Trails
Polk Co. Conservation