Detwiler Marsh

Detwiler Marsh

Anglebrook Cort Toledo, Ohio 43611

Tips for Birding

Important!!! Do not park in the Manhattan Manor Apartment parking lot. It is a car tow away zone. Parking and new marsh trail access is at the circle on Anglebrook Court.

Birds of Interest

Sparrows, Warblers, Great Horned Owl, Ducks, Shorebirds

About this Location

The construction of the Lucas-Buckeye Basin Greenbelt Parkway project impacted 21.5 acres of wetlands near the Lake Erie shore. To mitigate the impacts Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) created the Detwiler Marsh in 1999. In 2008, the final monitoring was complete and the wetland was determined to be 24.6 acres. ODOT signed an agreement with the City of Toledo in 1995 in which the City assumes ownership and maintenance of the site upon ODOTs completion of the monitoring requirements.

The restoration project restored 24 acres of wetland habitat through invasive species management, regrading, and native plantings. 36 acres of invasive plant species will be treated and 1,950 linear feet of the stream along Mud Creek will be restored by reconnecting the stream to the floodplain and planting native species. The project will increase habitat quality and diversity, reduce sediment and nutrient loads to Lake Erie, and improve habitat for aquatic species.

Restoration Metrics

  • 36 acres of invasive plant species removal
  • 750 feet two-stage stream channel
  • 1,200 feet restored channel sinuosity
  • 24 acres wetland restoration
  • 16 acres of riparian plantings

Native plants will be installed throughout the project site, including 16 acres of plantings along the stream to increase:

  • aquatic habitat quality
  • fish and macroinvertebrate diversity
  • water quality

Notable Trails

There is one trail that goes around the perimeter of the marsh. About 1 mile long. Sometimes it can be muddy after rain. 


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Sherry Plessner, Paul Jacyk, and Improving Detwiler Marsh

Detwiler Marsh Map and Information Sign
Paul Jacyk