Taylorsville Lake SP--Lakeview Trails Area

Taylorsville Lake SP--Lakeview Trails Area

1320 Park Road, Mt Eden, KY 40046

Official Website
Taylorsville Lake SP Trail Map

Tips for Birding

This series of trails hasn't been birded much to date, but the lakeside forest is great habitat for songbirds. See the linked eBird page and checklists for this hotspot for the best bird occurrence information. Stay tuned for updates.

Birds of Interest

Based on existing checklists, these trials are good for woodland species. But proximity to the lake suggests a wider variety possible than current checklist data show.

About this Location

This hotspot is for the trails that are generally south of the main entrance road. Trailhead is marked but not very visible from the road. Park at the eastern end of the picnic shelter, between the park office and the Possum Ridge Boat Ramp. Cross the road and you'll find the trailheads which have signs. The eBird hotspot pin is located at the trailhead by the road. Note that not all trails begin at this location; some are trail offshoot loops. Note also that these are multi-purpose trails and can be uneven due to (mostly) equestrian use.

Notable Trails

See the trail map for multi-use trails in the park. There are 24 miles of these trails in the SP; note that they are popular with equestrians too. Be cautious around horses (i.e., try not to make sudden movements or loud noises that might startle the animals and unhorse the riders). At this point, not enough birding data have been collected for specific trails (therefore none are recommended specifically); if you note which trails you have included on your eBird checklist, it could lead to additional hotspots being created for productive trails. Stay tuned for updates.

Note the supplemental map among the uploaded photos. There is a residence for the ranger behind a gated road, which is not accessible to the public. However, you can get to these two-track roads from the main trailhead, though there isn't a signpost directing you that way. Both two-tracks are fairly open and can be birded to the lakeside.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Official Website and Taylorsville Lake SP Trail Map

Last updated March 12, 2024