Lake Whitney--Lofers Bend Park

Lake Whitney--Lofers Bend Park

Tips for Birding

The afternoon view from the picnic area looks toward the west and birds may appear silhouetted. There is a group meeting area with surrounded by a wooded area of the park that can have some good birds also. Following the park road north along the shore leads past a small wetland pond on the east side of the road that sometimes has additional wading birds.

About this Location

Park is located at the east end of the dam creating Lake Whitney.The boat ramp and its parking area is below the dam and gives a view of the lake looking north. That photo is of a parking area for the picnic tables and the lake view is to the west.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

Content from Bill Wright

Last updated December 20, 2023