Hovey's Pond

Hovey's Pond

Boxford, Massachusetts 01921

Hoveys Pond information page

About this Location

The deepest of Boxford’s ponds (maximum depth 50 feet), Hovey’s Pond has a surface area of 30 acres and is surrounded by farm and conservation properties. Access to the Pond can be gained off of Main Street just north of the Main Street and MA-133 intersection. Look for the black and white “Oreo” cows at Millbrook Fields Farm on your left as to travel North on Main Street. Just past the Farm is a maintained public access road and parking area with an informative kiosk and boat launch site.

Three distinct conservation areas can be accessed from the parking zone, including the Millbrook Farm Conservation Area (11 acres), Hovey’s Pond Meadow (8 acres), and the Heron Rookery Trail. Immediately across Main Street are additional trails and sites of historical interest, including the Chadwick Mill and Anvil Farm.

Notable Trails

The AllTrails website has a description and map of a hike at Hoveys Pond.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Hoveys Pond information page

Last updated January 20, 2024