Ferrisburgh Town Forest

Ferrisburgh Town Forest

Ferrisburgh, Vermont 05456

Ferrisburgh Town Forest access and map

About this Location

The access trail to Ferrisburgh Town Forest is for foot traffic only across posted private property. Please park out on Robinson Rd (not blocking driveway). Use trail marked with red tape to access town forest.

The trail to the Town Forest, 1.3 miles, sends you generally south and then east around the wetlands, under the cliffs, and through the natural gap. It is mostly easy hiking, but with some moderately steep, difficult sections. Do not leave the red trail until you reach the town forest, you will be trespassing on private property. No hunting on private property en route to town forest or from town forest back onto the private property.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Ferrisburgh Town Forest access and map

Last updated October 8, 2023

Please note: North is not "up" on this map