Gloria Road, west of summit (chaparral; MTY Co.)

Gloria Road, west of summit (chaparral; MTY Co.)

Soledad, California 93960

Tips for Birding

Gloria Road, east of Gonzales, passes through agricultural land, to and beyond the intersection of Gloria Road and Gloria-Camphora Road (which is a separate Hotspot), and then continues nearly a mile to the Swiss Rifle Club (another Hotspot) where the road makes a "S"-curve north and then east again, and the pavement ends. From there the unpaved Gloria Road winds upward and into thick chaparral habitat for about 1.5 mile, until it reaches a crest and the San Benito County border. This Hotspot is just that dirt road through the chaparral (with an occasional oak near the crest). 

All the property on either side of the (sometimes rough) dirt road is private property, and the road gets hot and dusty in summer, or wet and muddy in winter. The only birding access is at the roadside, and there are limited wide spots to pull out -- be very careful to park off the road at wide spots on the shoulders, and the ranch trucks drive fast at times.

Birds of Interest

Because of its remote location, the rough road, and the lack of many pull-outs, the Hotspot is not often birded. It has resident chaparral species, but the only notable one is a population of Bell's Sparrow. They are shy and elusive, and generally found only when singing on nice spring mornings. The typical chaparral species include California Quail, Wrentit, Bewick's Wren, California Thrasher, and sometimes Lawrence's Goldfinch. Raptors included American Kestrel and Golden Eagle.


  • Roadside viewing

  • Entrance fee

Content from Don Roberson

Last updated December 15, 2023