Long Pond, Wellfleet

About this Location

Long Pond is a natural kettlehole pond with an average depth of 16 feet and a maximum depth of 50 feet. The pond has two deeper kettle holes connected by a narrow and shallower middle section. The ponds 1.4 miles of shoreline are lightly developed with houses.

For a relaxed, public swimming pool atmosphere, Long Pond in Wellfleet is the place to go. It is a fair-sized shady beach that reaches far back from the water. Lush greenery creates a very picturesque place to lay back and watch the kids frolic in the cool water.

Parking is free in the early months of the summer in May and June, but stickers become necessary once summer is in full swing. A parking pass can be obtained by visiting Wellfleet’s beach sticker office located on Wellfleet Pier.

About Cape Cod National Seashore

See all hotspots at Cape Cod National Seashore

Cape Cod is a large peninsula extending 60 miles into the Atlantic Ocean from the coast of Massachusetts. Located on the outer portion of the Cape, Cape Cod National Seashore’s 44,600 acres encompass a rich mosaic of marine, estuarine, freshwater, and terrestrial ecosystems. These systems and their associated habitats reflect the Cape’s glacial origin, dynamic natural processes, and at least 9,000 years of human activity. Geomorphic shoreline change, groundwater fluctuations, tidal dynamics including rising sea level, and atmospheric deposition are among the many physical processes that continue to shape the Seashore’s ecosystems. Marine and estuarine systems include beaches, sand spits, tidal flats, salt marshes, and soft-bottom benthos. Freshwater ecosystems include kettle ponds, vernal pools, sphagnum bogs, and swamps. Terrestrial systems include pitch pine and scrub oak forests, heathlands, dunes, and sandplain grasslands. Many of these habitats are globally uncommon and the species that occupy them are correspondingly rare.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Entrance fee

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

Content from Long Pond (Massachusetts Paddler) webpage and Cape Cod National Seashore website

Last updated March 11, 2024