White Island Pond

White Island Pond

Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360

White Island Pond (Massachusetts Paddler) webpage

About this Location

White Island Pond is a 284-acre natural Great Pond located on the border of Plymouth and Wareham, just west of Big Sandy and Ezekiel Ponds and east of the Agawam River and Glen Charlie Pond. The pond is separated into 2 distinct basins (East and West). The eastern basin can also be separated into 2 sub-basins (northern and southern). The residents divide the lake into First Lake (western basin), Second Lake (south-eastern basin), and Third Lake (north-eastern basin). The pond's water sources are groundwater and cranberry bogs and its outlet is Red Brook which flows into Buttermilk Bay. The ponds 3.8 miles of shoreline are heavily developed with houses and cranberry bogs.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from White Island Pond (Massachusetts Paddler) webpage

Last updated March 3, 2024