Stewart's Woods OC Forest

Stewart's Woods OC Forest

About this Location

About Stewart Woods OC Forest: 

This an unmaintained, unimproved property without any amenities. Much of the property near the river is in the floodplain and will generally get flooded in the spring. Wetlands dominate the low areas. 

Hunting is allowed here. You will find tree stands, a hunting blind with bait station (for turkey?), and a few ATV trails into the property. Wear high-vis during open hunting seasons.

Other permitted activities (other than hunting): passive (non-motorized) use of the property is allowed year-round. Birding is allowed. 

Access to Stewart Woods OC Forest: 

1) The easier option if you have access via the Otonabee River with a boat (the nearest boat launches are Squirrel Creek CA and Whitfield Landing). There is a little clearing where you can access the property. Someone (assume the Stewart Family) other than ORCA has been maintaining a dock at the property in the summer months.

2) There is a right-of-way for the property with walk-in access from Wallace Point Road (44.207540, -78.330000). To reach the forested area from the road, you must walk 675m through a robust grassland with no maintained trail (check for ticks after visiting in the warmer months). 

Notable Trails

This property is mostly without trails - the exception being an ATV trail that goes from the family farm down to the clearing by the water. 

Note: if you access the property via the right-of-way, there is no trail to connect you to the established ATV trail. There is a curved ridge one can follow down to the river but there is no trail. The easiest way to reach the ATV trail would be to stay left as you enter the forest following the fence line, eventually it widens into the main property, follow the fence to the south and you will find the ATV trail. 


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Patrick M Kramer

Last updated November 14, 2023

Map of Stewart Woods OC Forest
Patrick M Kramer