Holy Hill Conservation Land

Holy Hill Conservation Land

Harvard, Massachusetts 01451

Holy Hill Conservation Land information sheet and map

About this Location

The “Holy Hill of Zion” is the name of the worship area created on this land by the Harvard Shaker community in 1842-43. They cleared, leveled, fenced half an acre of land, planted a double row of maple trees around it, and placed a special “Lord’s Stone” within the fenced-in area. Elaborate religious ceremonies were held on Holy Hill with much speaking, singing, shouting, and marching.

Following the trail from South Shaker Road, you will come to the worship area where part of the uniquely designed fence was reconstructed after the land was purchased by the Conservation Commission in 1972.

Notable Trails

Three trails lead from the Holy Hill itself.

  • The first trail leads down Maple Lane where adjacent private fields are preserved under an agricultural preservation restriction. Proceeding towards Shaker Village you will pass by a bridge constructed of massive granite blocks, which bears out one of the Shaker precepts: “Do everything as though you were going to live a hundred years”.
  • The second trail continues some distance and eventually runs along Bennetts Brook, which the Shakers made into a small canal, and from there, it comes out on Shaker Road.
  • The third trail leads directly to Ann Lee Road.

Approximate walking time for primary trail one way: 1.5 hours, moderate to difficult.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Holy Hill Conservation Land information sheet and map

Last updated December 13, 2023