Cimarron WTP

Cimarron WTP

Cimarron, New Mexico 87714

Official Website

About this Location

Access to the Cimarron Wastewater Treatment Plant (WTP) is via a narrow dirt road running northeast from NM-58. With the exception of late weekend mornings, the gate at NM-58 is usually chained and padlocked. On weekdays, you can get a key at the village hall. If the gate is open, be careful you don’t get locked in when the keyholder exits.

In a quarter mile, the dirt road turns east at the southwest corner of the first effluent lagoon, which has a small mixing unit anchored in the center and runs another quarter mile to the southeast corner of the second lagoon, terminating at the village dump, where it is easy to turn your vehicle around. 

Each of these raw sewage lagoons covers about 2 surface acres. The effluent passes through sand filters from both lagoons into French Lake immediately north. It’s not clear whether the lagoons are lined, but plants grow around the shoreline. The north-south levee on the east side of the eastern lagoon is particularly shrubby. It may be possible to walk north along the west side of the western lagoon to reach French Lake;  the area has not (as of spring 2023) been posted “No Trespassing”.


  • Roadside viewing

  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from John Montgomery

Last updated June 13, 2023