Concord Woods (UVM Natural Area)

Concord Woods (UVM Natural Area)

Concord, Vermont 05824

Official Website

About this Location

In 1839 Azarius Williams, a resident of Concord deeded a piece of his land to the University of Vermont. This deeded land was at that time considered to be half of a lot, which measured about 50 acres. Since then, the University has acquired the other half of the lot which is located on the southwest side of Miles Mountain. The two half lots together total about 100 acres.

Perhaps the least visited natural area, Concord Woods is a mature, northern, upland, hardwood forest in a secluded, northeastern Vermont setting. Sugar maple is the prevalent tree species within the natural area, with many of the trees measuring 18 inches or more in diameter. Although actively logged many years ago, as much of Vermont was, Concord Woods is one of the few mature hardwood forests surviving in the state of Vermont. Its remote and undisturbed character makes it an ideal laboratory for studying this type of ecosystem.

Concord Woods has no trails or facilities. If you would like to visit the natural area, travel from Saint Johnsbury on US-2 east to the settlement of North Concord. Opposite the General Store take the dirt road leading up Miles Mountain. Find a place to pull over and hike uphill toward the mountain. Concord Woods is a forested area surrounded by recently logged land.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Official Website

Last updated October 18, 2023