Farnsworth Metropark

Farnsworth Metropark

8505 South River Road (US-24) Waterville, Ohio 43566

Official Website
Farnsworth Metropark map

Also, see all the hotspots at:
Maumee River-Lower Important Bird Area

About this Location

The park is at one end of the Towpath Trail that connects it with Bend View and Providence Metroparks. The Interurban Bridge, which crosses the river at Farnsworth, is partially built atop Roche de Bout, a large, protruding rock in the river that served as an early landmark for native people, European explorers, and armies. The abandoned span, once the world’s largest earth-filled, concrete reinforced bridge, was part of a commuter railway system.

Farnsworth has always been about the water. In fact, water-based recreation has been a focus of the park since its inception when it was originally named Waterville Park. Together, Providence, Bendview, Farnsworth and canal lands total 465 acres.

Amenities and features at Farnsworth include indoor and picnic shelter rental, fishing, overnight camping (see Camping page), and historical WPA buildings and bridges.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Entrance fee

Content from Official Website