Sabine Woods (UTC 026)

Sabine Woods (UTC 026)

Port Arthur, Texas 77655

Tips for Birding

This is a fabulous location for “fall outs” during spring migration. 

The main drip has a few benches but if you might want to sit at that drip for very long, bring your own chair. 

Mosquitoes are a problem year round. Temperatures here will be very hot and very humid most of the year. 

Birds of Interest

Warblers, grosbeaks, vireos in springtime. Many rarities show up during migration. 

About this Location

This property is a sanctuary owned by the Texas Ornithological Society. It is managed by volunteers from the Golden Triangle Audubon Society. 

During spring migration (peak of about the last week of April and the first week of May), GTAS members will be on site to help visitors find birds of interest.

There are numerous drips, ponds, puddles and lots of fruiting trees to replenish the trans-Gulf avian migrants. 

Bathrooms will only be portable toilets and will only be available during peak migration season.

Notable Trails

Numerous trails throughout all of which could be hosting some exciting warbler.  Many of the trails might be negotiated by a scooter. A wheelchair might have difficulty. Input from our wheelchair birding friends would be appreciated. 

Most of the trails will have an occasional bench on which to sit and rest.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

Content from kz 4/27/2024

Last updated April 27, 2024