Hogan Lake Road Marsh

Hogan Lake Road Marsh

Tips for Birding

Arriving at the south edge of the wetland there is room to pull off and park one or more vehicles and the road can be walked north, or you can drive along the road across the bog crossing the wooden bridge over a small, unnamed creek, to arrive at the north side of the wetland where there is room to park or turn around. Walking the road is the best way to cover the area. Between late May and through most of July blackflies, deerflies and horseflies and mosquitoes can be troublesome, so dress accordingly!

Birds of Interest

This area supports a variety of common peatland bird species including Olive-sided Flycatcher, which has occurred in the extensive area of standing dead trees along the creek at the southwest end of the wetland and such species as Purple Finch and a good variety of warblers in the tamarack-spruce-cedar fringe forest. Virginia Rail and Sora occur along the road through the wetland and a small ‘colony’ of Marsh Wrens occurs in the narrow cattail fringe along the creek to the west of the bridge. Sedge Wren has occurred in the extensive Wiregrass Sedge (Carex lasiocarpa) stand near the north edge of the wetland but may not be of annual occurrence.

About this Location

The Hogan Lake Road Marsh is an extensive graminoid peatland dominated by sedges with scattered low shrubs and a fringe forest comprised of a mixture of tamarack, spruce and cedar. It is reached by driving around 3 km north from the Rose Island Rd on the Hogan Lake Rd. This road ascends several steep hills with switchbacks and the hill portions are often quite rutted, so an AWD vehicle or one with high clearance is strongly recommended. The road across the wetland is only wide enough to accommodate a single vehicle, so do not park on the ‘causeway’ itself or at least be prepared to move your vehicle should another come along. Note that the lands on either side of the Hogan Lake Rd north of the Rose Island Rd, as well as the Hogan Lake Road Marsh itself are all in private ownership, so do not leave the road.


  • Roadside viewing

  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Donald A Sutherland

Last updated March 25, 2024