Leon Creek Greenway--Fox Park Trailhead

Leon Creek Greenway--Fox Park Trailhead

Tips for Birding

Follow the paved sidewalk path from the hotspot pin until you reach a trail map on your left (to the west). This map shows all the trails unmarked on Google maps and shows you how to access Jewell Lake. Once you've entered these primitive trails, follow the path over to the lake (both sides) for waterfowl viewing. Warblers are present during migration season.

Birds of Interest

Waterfowl (especially cormorants and ducks) and warblers

About this Location

The hotspot pin is located at the official trailhead, but the primitive trailhead is located a ways north of the pin itself. Look for a large map between two wood posts on the left after following the paved pathway.

Notable Trails

Most of the primitive trails, especially those around Jewell Lake.


  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Restrooms on site

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Kade Jackson

Last updated November 21, 2023