Snake Mountain South, TNC preserve

Snake Mountain South, TNC preserve

The Nature Conservancy Bridport, Vermont 05734

About this Location

The Snake Mountain South preserve is a relatively new and undeveloped addition to The Nature Conservancy preserves in Vermont. The boundaries are not always discernible or might be identified by one or more posted signs erected by adjacent landowners. The property does not abut any road, but there is a narrow access right-of-way heading to the property from Mountain Road. There are no trails, but some old logging roads might be encountered.

The access is approximately 0.49 miles west of the intersection of Mountain Road with Lemon Fair Road, slightly west of the crest of the hill. There typically is no durable marker or signage at the access. Simply heading south from that location 600-1000 feet will bring you to the preserve. The preserve’s eastern boundary extends southward along the forested eastern ridge about half a mile. The western boundary extends about 0.8 miles and includes the west side of that ridge and parts of the narrow valley between it and the western, main ridge of the mountain in that area. At its widest (east to west), the preserve is about 0.4 miles.

Parking is at the roadside where you can get off the traveled roadway, notably at the base of the mountain on Mountain Road just before starting up the hill, and west of the access where the road leaves forest for open fields.

Non-posted adjacent parts of the mountain provide additional birding in this complex of the forest, a bit of swamp, lots of ledge outcrops, and a few minor cliffs.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Ian Worley, July 2021

Last updated October 8, 2023