Forest Ridge Preserve

About this Location

Forest Ridge Preserve provides over 3 miles of rigorous but beautiful hiking trails up steep slopes and on a level upland plateau that overlooks the Chagrin River Valley with gorgeous views of mature upland forest and deep ravines. The preserve provides wonderful birdwatching opportunities; less common species like the dark-eyed junco, hermit thrush, sharp-shinned hawk, purple finch, black-throated warbler, and brown creeper have been spotted on the property. Forest Ridge Village Park not only provides access trails to Forest Ridge Preserve, but a serene setting with ponds, benches, and picnic amenities as well. Forest Ridge Preserve is adjacent to Western Reserve Land Conservancy’s headquarters and Cleveland Metropark’s South Chagrin Reservation, providing access to over 30 miles of trails to explore.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Western Reserve Land Conservancy Parks and Preserves webpage