Pacific Grove--Washington Park

Pacific Grove--Washington Park

Pacific Grove, California 93950

Tips for Birding

George Washington Park is a large public park in Pacific Grove. The northern and central portions preserve a Monterey Pine/live oak woodland with some understory; the southern portion includes a childrens' playground, a Little League baseball field, and picnic and restroom facilities.

The boundaries of this Hot Spot are essentially 17-Mile Drive on the west side, Short Street to the north, Alder Street to the east, and Sinex Avenue to the south, plus a buffer zone of surrounding neighborhoods (i.e.,  what you can see on either side of the street when walking on Short, Alder, and Sinex, plus Workman Place and Day Circle). Melrose Street is entirely within the Hot Spot.

Public restrooms during the day are in the playground area at the south end of the park. The primary trails within the park have chipped wood surface, so they may be accessible to some wheelchairs but will not be available for other wheelchairs. The trails are not up to ADA standards. The trails in the central area of the park also have a grade and any trail may be blocked by fallen logs or branches. The trails will be muddy or slippery after rains. 


  • Restrooms on site

  • Roadside viewing

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Last updated February 11, 2023

Hot Spot boundaries; clik on map to enlarge
Don Roberson