Little South Pond

Little South Pond

Drew Road Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360

Tips for Birding

The boat ramp provides a view of the pond which can be helpful for viewing waterfowl. While most waterfowl can likely be seen with just binoculars, a spotting scope is helpful. In addition to the pond, Drew Road which leads up to the pond can be good for roadside birding, there are a few pockets of shrubs along the road near Little South Pond which can be productive for warblers during migration. For roadside birding on Drew Road, note that parking directly on Drew Road is prohibited. If you need to stop your vehicle to view a bird, it is best to utilize one of the formal parking locations either at the boat launch or there are a couple of official parking pull offs for the nearby trail system that can serve as a temporary stopping location.

About this Location

Little South Pond is a 62-acre reservoir within the Eel River watershed. The pond serves as the primary municipal water supply for the Town of Plymouth. Per Plymouth's "Pond and Boat Access map" Little South Pond is publicly accessible from a car top boat ramp on a dirt road known as Drew Road in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Internal combustion engines are prohibited per Town Forest Conservation Restriction. There are parking spots for two cars available at the boat ramp.


  • Roadside viewing

  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Noah Henkenius

Last updated September 18, 2023