Hadwen Arboretum

Hadwen Arboretum

Clark University Worcester, Massachusetts 01610

Official Website

About this Location

The Hadwen Arboretum is a 26-acre plot of land owned and managed by Clark University. In the northeastern part of the Arboretum, you’ll find many trees and walking trails. In the southwestern portion of the Arboretum, you’ll find Clark University’s Softball Field.

You’ll find the entrance to the Arboretum on Lovell Street and parking can be found by pulling up beside the curved stone wall. Check out the two kiosks as you pass through; one at the top of Hadwen Hill, and one by the corner of May and Lovell Street.

The Hadwen Arboretum got its name from the land’s previous owner, Obadiah Hadwen. Hadwen was a prominent horticulturalist in Worcester County, who held various positions in the Worcester County Horticultural Society and Worcester Agricultural Society.

Hadwen began living on the land in 1843 when he was 19 years old. Hadwen went on to build his home here, Magnolia Farm, from which he ran a milk and vegetable cart for over 40 years.

Over the 60 years Hadwen lived on Magnolia Farm, he planted over 100 different tree varieties, including 15 different varieties of Magnolia trees.

Upon his death in 1907, Hadwen willed a majority of the land of Magnolia Farm to Clark University, as well as $1,000, with the intention that the University use the land for arboreal and agricultural education.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Official Website and Kasyan Green

Last updated December 11, 2023