Carson NF--Tusas Ridge

About this Location

Tusas Ridge is a scenic area in the Tusas Mountains, which are part of the Carson National Forest in northern New Mexico. The ridge offers dispersed camping, fishing, hiking, and wildlife viewing opportunities. The ridge is accessible by Forest Road 222, which passes through a small housing area and a cattle guard. The ridge has a high elevation of over 8,000 feet and is surrounded by pine forests and sagebrush flats. 

About Carson National Forest

See all hotspots at Carson National Forest

Carson National Forest is in northern New Mexico. It covers an area of 1.5 million acres and has a diverse landscape that ranges from 6,000 feet to 13,161 feet at Wheeler Peak, the highest point in New Mexico. The forest is home to many wildlife species, including the endangered Mexican Spotted Owl and the New Mexico Meadow Jumping Mouse. The forest offers many recreational opportunities, such as skiing, hiking, biking, camping, fishing, and bird watchng. The forest also has cultural and historical significance, as it contains prehistoric ruins, ice caves, lava flows, and ancestral lands of several Native American tribes.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Carson National Forest Official Website

Last updated July 11, 2023