San Ysidro

San Ysidro

San Ysidro, New Mexico 87053

Tips for Birding

Park at the church and use the paved walking trails along NM-4 to access some of the cottonwoods, ag fields, and other habitats around San Ysidro. Do not enter any driveways or walk into any property away from the trail, as this is a residential community and it is mostly private.

About this Location

San Ysidro, a small village in Sandoval County, has a population of about 200 people and is known for its historic church and annual harvest festival. San Ysidro was founded in the late 1800s by settlers from the nearby Pueblo of Jemez. The village is named after Saint Isidore, the patron saint of farmers. San Ysidro is surrounded by scenic landscapes, including the Jemez Mountains, the Rio Grande, and the White Mesa.


  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Roadside viewing

  • Restrooms on site

  • Entrance fee

Content from Owen Sinkus

Last updated May 16, 2023