Exchange Rd.--US-250 to OH-162

Exchange Rd.--US-250 to OH-162

Norwalk, Ohio 44857

Also, see all the hotspots at:
Exchange Road Grasslands Important Bird Area

About this Location

 Exchange Road traverses privately owned properties. Please view birds from the roadside only.

The grasslands adjacent to Exchange Road are designated as an Important Bird Area by the National Audubon Society. Aside from the interesting woodlot in the middle of the stretch of road and a swale that crosses the road, the entire block contains planted farm fields. It appears that the owners have abandoned any attempts to turn this into grassland.

Once managed as grassy fields along Exchange Road (east and west), and extending southeast along US-250 as far as Town Line Road. Bordered by roads and woodlots; divided by a marsh swale crossing Exchange Road.

This site represented significant northern Ohio grassland not associated with reclaimed surface mining lands. Its size allows for a large variety of conservation priority species (both summer and winter) and also for an excellent representation of Ohio grassland nesting species.


  • Roadside viewing

  • Restrooms on site

Content from Paul Sherwood and Exchange Road Grasslands Important Bird Area webpage