Cleveland Cultural Gardens

Cleveland Cultural Gardens

Martin Luther King Drive Cleveland, Ohio 44108

Cleveland Cultural Gardens website
Cleveland Cultural Gardens map

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Dike 14-Doan Brook Important Bird Area

About this Location

The Cleveland Cultural Gardens are one of Northeast Ohio’s oldest and most beautiful treasures. Some 33 dedicated gardens, designed and cultivated by distinct cultural or nationality groups, adorn the drive along Martin Luther King Boulevard and East Boulevard in Rockefeller Park.

Founded in 1916, the Cultural Gardens are unique to the world. They represent the diversity and multiculturalism that is Cleveland, and bring to life the Gardens’ mission, “peace through mutual understanding.”

Depicted in the gardens are the poets, philosophers, peacemakers, composers, scientists and others who have contributed to world culture. The Gardens are home to Goethe (German Garden); Yeats (Irish Garden); Chopin (Polish Garden); Dante (Italian Garden); Nikola Tesla (Serbian Garden); Nizar Qabbani (Syrian Garden); Mark Twain (American Garden); Gandhi (Indian Garden) and many others.

Also featured in the gardens are symbolic sculptures and replicas of or tributes to sacred monuments in other lands.

The area offers opportunities to learn and explore, and a place to relax, enjoy nature, walk or ride a bike. Visitors are always welcome.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Cleveland Cultural Gardens website