Elkhorn Slough--Strawberry Road pond only

Elkhorn Slough--Strawberry Road pond only

Tips for Birding

Strawberry Road pond is a semi-freshwater pond immediately east of Elkhorn Road between Strawberry Road and Hidden Valley Road. Access is best from Strawberry Road where there a two different dirt pull-offs on the north side of the Road, adjacent to the pond. This is a very small Hotspot that we prefer to maintain from the much larger Hotspots for marshes west of Elkhorn Slough because it is not directly tidal -- while the adjacent Estrada & North Marsh complexes west of Eklhorn Slough are heavily affected by the tides.

Because of its unique semi-freshwater habitat, it concentrates both Cinnamon and Blue-winged Teal, and both Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, from October through March. We prefer that all eBirders limit their checklist at this site to the pond and adjacent oak woodlands, and separate this checklist for the surveys of tidal wetlands directly across the Elkhorn Road. That wetland, west of Elkhorn Road, is the south end of North Marsh within the very large Estrada/North marsh wetlands. 

Birds of Interest

This is a special spot for Blue-winged Teal and Lesser Yellowlegs, in season, and often good for photography of these species and other ducks and waders.


  • Roadside viewing

Content from Don Roberson

Last updated March 15, 2023