Anderson Co.--CR473 (W. of CR475)

Anderson Co.--CR473 (W. of CR475)

Bethel, Texas 75861

Tips for Birding

The large lake can be seen best from the east where there's a decent size tree. Scope is recommended. Fields north and south of the road are usually birdy. lower area west of the lake has trees for nesting passerines. 

Birds of Interest

Always good for wintering ducks, summering Anhinga, gallinules. Waders all year round. Adjacent fields great for winter sparrows, summer Dickcissel, Lark Sparrows. Raptors, swallows.

About this Location

This county road is mostly wide open grassy fields that sits up high with a long vista to the south. There's a fairly large lake with a dam at the country road.


  • Roadside viewing

  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Dell Little

Last updated November 17, 2023