Three Creeks CA--Tomlin Hill Access

Three Creeks CA--Tomlin Hill Access

A Birders' Guide to Three Creeks CA

About this location

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About Three Creeks CA

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Three permanent streams, Turkey, Bass and Bonne Femme Creeks, flow through the area. There are wet woods, large forb fields and some stands of pine (one easily reached from the parking lot off Deer Creek Rd.). The area has about 1,200 acres of forest and woodland; 250 acres of grassland and old fields are being converted to native warm season grasses and wildflowers. Four of the five parking lots offer access to trails.

A north parking lot is off Bennett Ln., off Hwy. 163, 1.8 miles west of US 63, then about a mile south on Bennett. This lot has no designated trails leading to the interior, but a path near primitive campsites has some potential for good birding. 

A west lot is off Tomlin Hill Rd. It can be reached by going south from 163 for 1.6 miles on Fox Ln., or from 163 at Pierpont by going south on Tomlin Hill Rd. 1.8 miles to a sharp right turn onto gravel, then left at the group of mailboxes (a small MDC) sign notes the turn. This looks like a private road, but ends .5 miles ahead at the parking lot. This lot has no designated trails leading to the interior, but a good trail leads from it along the ridgetop, then drops into the valley, providing excellent access to a variety of habitat.

The south lot is reached from US 63 by going west on Minor Hill Rd. to the intersection with Rt. DD to the south and Meyers Rd. to the south. Turn onto Meyers, go .7 to the area property line and an additional .2 to the parking area.

Good birding can also be found along the gravel road that borders the south side of the area. It continues west for .6 miles.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from A Birders' Guide to Three Creeks CA

Last updated October 1, 2023

Three Creeks CA Map
Missouri Dept. of Conservation