Tyler Conservation Area and Brewer Brook

Tyler Conservation Area and Brewer Brook

Berlin, Massachusetts 01503

Tyler Conservation Area and Brewer Brook map

About this Location

Tyler Conservation Area is a 300-acre property located in the town of Berlin. It is managed by the Sudbury Valley Trustees, a regional land trust that protects natural areas and farmland in the Concord, Assabet, and Sudbury river basins. The conservation area features diverse habitats, including wetlands, forests, fields, and streams.

One of the highlights of the property is Brewer Brook, a cold-water stream that supports a variety of wildlife, such as fish, amphibians, birds, and mammals. Brewer Brook flows into the Assabet River, which is part of the Wild and Scenic Rivers System.

Visitors can enjoy hiking, biking, birdwatching, fishing, and hunting at Tyler Conservation Area. The trails are well-marked and easy to moderate in difficulty. There are also several historical and cultural features on the property. Tyler Conservation Area is open to the public from dawn to dusk. There is no admission fee, but donations are welcome.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Last updated December 19, 2023