Saint Stanislaus Cemetery, Easthampton

Saint Stanislaus Cemetery, Easthampton

Easthampton, Massachusetts 01027

Saint Stanislaus Cemetery (Find a Grave) webpage

About this Location

Saint Stanislaus Cemetery was established in 1899 by the Polish immigrants who settled in the area and worked in the textile mills. The cemetery contains over 6,000 graves, many of which are marked with elaborate monuments and sculptures that reflect the cultural and religious heritage of the Polish community. The cemetery is the site of a chapel, a mausoleum, and a memorial to the victims of the Katyn massacre. The cemetery is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

The entrance to Saint Stanislaus Cemetery is at the end of Mayher Street at the intersection with Bay Avenue.


  • Roadside viewing

  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Last updated December 1, 2023