Lake Palo Duro--Dedication Park

Lake Palo Duro--Dedication Park

Waka, Texas 79093

Tips for Birding

This park is a fairly large area below the dam in a canyon so there is less wind than up on the agriculture fields.

A creek feed from Palo Duro Lake runs through the park.

This is where the Pine Grosbeak is/was located in the winter of 2023/24.

Many trees in the park for nesting and roosting. Keep an eye overhead for buteos.

About this Location

On Google maps, this park is not called as Dedication Park. It is called "Palo Duro Lake North Park." The eBird hotspot pin takes you to the correction location but if you are trying to get the location without going through eBird, search for Palo Duro Lake North Park.

Restrooms are on site but might be locked so be prepared.

Notable Trails

There is a Disc Golf Course which makes for a nice walking trail.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

Last updated January 22, 2024