Jackman Pond, Tamworth

Jackman Pond, Tamworth

South Tamworth, New Hampshire 03883

Jackman Pond brochure and map

About this Location

Jackman Pond is a small water body at the east end of a large marsh. It offers a remarkable sense of seclusion and wilderness and is a popular resting place for migrating waterfowl. Most of the shoreline and trails are within a 32-acre tract managed by the Conservation Commission. In addition, easements and trail rights-of-way provide another 300 acres open to the public. Some tail sections on private land are subject to permission by the landowners, so please respect their rights by staying on the trail. Parking is available on the wide shoulder of NH-113 (Jackman Pond Road) at the Wildlife Area sign 0.7 miles north of NH-25 or at the Community School on Bunker Hill Road. Park at the dirt road just beyond the school, on the same side of Bunker Hill Road. Jackman Pond is a short walk (400 feet) along this road which follows the edge of the field.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Jackman Pond brochure and map

Last updated November 14, 2023