Lake Arrowhead--western end (Archer Co.)

Lake Arrowhead--western end (Archer Co.)

Tips for Birding

Woodland birding with some ducks being able to be seen on the river at times (not often). This is the best place in the county for seeing Wood Ducks (uncommon) and recently Long-eared Owl have been recorded. White-eyed Vireo nest in the park (quite common). Good for woodpeckers in the winter along with Eastern Screech Owl and an occasional Barred Owl.

About this Location

This hotspot has limited access. It should be called Shashone Park because none of the lake is visible. However, the Little Wichita River does run through the park creating some water habitat. When we have a lot of rain, the wheat field to the south will flood and hold ducks and shorebirds. There are large trees in this park (Cedar Elm, Willow, Post Oak, Hackberry) and road that winds through it.

About Lake Arrowhead

See all hotspots at Lake Arrowhead

Lake Arrowhead spans across Archer and Clay Counties.

Notable Trails

No walking trails, but when the river is down there are access points to walk along the river. BEWARE: Cottonmouth are seen along the river.


  • Roadside viewing

  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Scotty Lofland

Last updated November 1, 2023