Boesl Outdoor Educ Area

Boesl Outdoor Educ Area

Houston, Missouri 65483

A Birders' Guide to Boesl (Lois Arlene) Outdoor Educ Area

About this Location

Directions: From just south of Houston on Highway 63, turn west on Cleveland Road 0.25 mile, then West 0.25 mile on Mesa Dr.

This area was donated by the family of Lois Arlene Boesl (pronounced “basil”), a birder who walked these woods daily. Birders today can find the same species that drew her here. The seasonal variation of Ozark species can be sought here in comfort. This is a pleasant site to visit for 20 minutes or an hour.

1 parking lot. The .30 mile chat nature trail loop is an easy stroll, providing access to the oak-hickory woods. There is a small pond, and the area near the lot is planted in prairies grasses and flowers.

Notable Trails

The .30 mile loop chat trail is wheelchair compatible.


  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Roadside viewing

  • Restrooms on site

  • Entrance fee

Content from A Birders' Guide to Boesl (Lois Arlene) Outdoor Educ Area

Last updated September 13, 2023