Waneka Lake/Greenlee Preserve

Waneka Lake/Greenlee Preserve

Lafayette, Colorado 80026

Printable County Checklist
Colorado Bird Records Committee Records

About this Location

(Submitted by Randy Siebert) The focus of this city park is a good-sized lake that serves as a city water supply. It has a 1.2 mile walking trail around the lake that is popular (visit early in the day). During the 2002 drought, the water was very low and shorebirds, including Sanderling, were numerous. The lake rarely if ever freezes over completely so winter geese and ducks can be good. Greater White-fronted and Snow Geese and a few good gulls make at least a brief appearance most years. Bald Eagles can be regular in January and February. Cottonwoods, willows, and cattails border the lake on the north and west. Swamp Sparrow and Winter Wren have been found in fall. Bullock's Orioles and Yellow Warbler are breeders. There is fairly good potential for migrants, which have included Rose-breasted Grosbeak and Blackpoll Warbler.

The Greenlee Natural Area adjoins the city park on the northwest corner. It features a small pond with marsh that can be seen from a viewing platform. Water levels are extremely variable. Ducks and shorebirds can be good. Some summers have a resident Black-crowned Night-heron.

Habitat: Pond/Lake/Reservoir, Lowland Riparian, Marsh

Directions: To reach the east entrance of Waneka Park, from the intersection of US 287 (CO 7) and Baseline Road in Lafayette, drive west on Baseline about a half mile, then left (south) on Caria Drive. Walk north on the fitness trail to get to the Greenlee Natural Area. To reach the west entrance of the park, from the intersection of US 287 and South Boulder Road, head west a little over a mile to Centaur Village Drive and turn north. Turn left on Caria and follow it around to the west entrance of the park.

Acknowledgments: Hotspot information was originally compiled on Birding Colorado, a service of Colorado Field Ornithologists. CFO thanks all the original contributors.

Content from Birding Colorado (Colorado Field Ornithologists)

Last updated October 13, 2023