Tamarack Ranch State Wildlife Area

Logan, Colorado, US

385 Rd

225 species

Tamarack Ranch State Wildlife Area

Crook, Colorado 80726

Official Website
Printable County Checklist
Colorado Bird Records Committee Records

About this Location

There are no tamaracks in Colorado, so the name is a mystery, but nevertheless this enormous and varied SWA is probably among the top ten SWAs in Colorado, and certainly not a spot to be missed during the summertime. Tamarack can be frustrating to bird thoroughly, especially the eastern portion where there are multiple large hedgerows that take a lot of time to check, and any of which could be hopping or dead. Northern Cardinal has been seen here, and White-throated and Harris's Sparrows are possible during the winter. Ring-necked Pheasant, Bell's Vireo, Yellow-breasted Chat, Blue Grosbeak, Field Sparrow (especially in the surrounding grassland) and Baltimore Oriole are possible during the breeding season.

The more extensively wooded western portion of the SWA, which includes a large stretch of riverside trees and brush, usually has better birding. This is probably the best place in the state for Baltimore Oriole, along with Bullock's and everything in between. Bell's Vireos are common along the road, and both Northern Cardinal and Red-bellied Woodpeckers can be found in the woods. Look for Eastern Phoebe nesting under the bridge over the South Platte, and for Bobolink in the fields on the south side of the road a mile or so down. The most complicated issue here are the towhees – many people have reported Eastern Towhee from here, but Tamarack is in the middle of the hybrid zone, so be very careful when IDing this species, and be sure to use both visual and aural clues. Tamarack is also the best place in the state to look for Black-billed Cuckoo, but it is rare even here, and can be confused with young Yellow-billed Cuckoo.

Tamarack SWA also includes some large tracts south of I-76, most of which are prairie. A while back Sharp-tailed Grouse and Greater Prairie-Chickens were introduced to this part of the SWA, and some may still be here, but access to this area is tricky and finding the chickens is not easy, even if you decide they are "countable." To get to a traditional site for breeding Cassin's Sparrow, follow CO 55 south of I-76 a while until you get into the sagebrush habitat--the birds can be fairly common here.

A hunting or fishing license or State Wildlife Area Pass is required. 

Habitat: Lowland Riparian, Hedgerow/Shelterbelt

Directions: The best way to reach Tamarack is to take I-76 to exit 149 (the Crook exit) and go north on CO 55 from the exit ramp. To reach the eastern shelterbelts, take a right (east) off of CO 55 onto CR 385 in a little over a mile from the interstate. To reach the western portions along the river, go a little beyond CR 385 and take a left onto an unnamed road that parallels the river. This road goes all the way through to Proctor, but not all of it is on public property.

Acknowledgments: Hotspot information was originally compiled on Birding Colorado, a service of Colorado Field Ornithologists. CFO thanks all the original contributors.


  • Restrooms on site

Content from Birding Colorado (Colorado Field Ornithologists)

Last updated October 20, 2023

Colorado Parks & Wildlife
Colorado Parks & Wildlife