Two Buttes State Wildlife Area

Two Buttes State Wildlife Area

Granada, Colorado 81041

Official Website
Printable County Checklist
Colorado Bird Records Committee Records

About this Location

This reservoir and state wildlife area just east of Highway 385 and south of the Prowers county line is among the crown jewels of Southeast Colorado birding spots. Above the dam is a middle-sized reservoir lined with cottonwoods and rimrock, which can be good for ducks and grebes when high and for shorebirds when low. Both Eastern and Mountain Bluebirds have been seen around the lake, as well as many species of swallows and sparrows. Two Buttes is the most reliable location for Greater Roadrunners in Colorado; they could be anywhere, especially above the canyon rim, but if present they are usually seen in the area just north of the dam on either side of the road. We typically only find them on about one in five trips. Below the dam is a veritable wonderland of habitats, including extensive tangles of underbrush, tall trees, marshy ponds and grassy areas. Check for roosting Barn and Great Horned Owls along the cliffs. The vagrant list for this area includes nearly every eastern warbler, vireo, flycatcher and wren that has occurred in the state, and every columbid on the state list except Common Ground-Dove. Anything can and will show up here during your visit--if it does, please let us know.

A hunting or fishing license or State Wildlife Area Pass is required. 

Habitat: Grassland/Prairie; Yucca; Marsh; Pond/Lake/Reservoir; Lowland Riparian; Rimrock/Mesa

Directions: Note: distances are approximate, and all dirt roads in Baca County are VERY slippery after being rained on. From the north, go south on US route 287/385 to Prowers CR B.5 (30 miles south of Lamar), and go east for 4 miles to Prowers CR 12. Go right (south) on CR 12 for a little over 2 miles, to where the road going below the dam takes off to the left. The reservoir itself can be scanned from the dam, or from the many roads along the southeast part of the reservoir. From the South, go north on US routes 287/385 to Baca CR VV (14.5 miles north of Springfield), and go east on CR VV. Follow CR VV for a little over 5 miles to a " T" with CR 30, and take a left. The entrance road to below the dam takes a very sharp right from just over the dam.

Acknowledgments: Hotspot information was originally compiled on Birding Colorado, a service of Colorado Field Ornithologists. CFO thanks all the original contributors.


  • Restrooms on site

Content from Birding Colorado (Colorado Field Ornithologists)

Last updated October 20, 2023

Colorado Parks & Wildlife