Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge, Baring Division

Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge, Baring Division

Calais, Maine

Tips for Birding

When submitting eBird observations at the Baring Division of Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge, it is most helpful to start a new checklist for each hotspot within the Baring Division. Use the general hotspot when you have a checklist that includes multiple locations or if no other hotspot or personal location is appropriate for your sightings.

About this Location

The Northern unit of the refuge is located in Baring. The Refuge Headquarters is located in the Baring Division, just south of Calais. To reach Headquarters take Charlotte Road off of US-1. This area offers hiking trails and a short scenic driving loop. Look for the Vehicle Icon on the refuge map to locate where the scenic drive begins. Trails are open to hikers, and the refuge roads are open to biking, and horseback riding.

Last updated September 23, 2023