Baxter State Park

Tips for Birding

When submitting eBird observations at Baxter State Park, it is most helpful to start a new checklist for each hotspot within the park. Use the general hotspot when you have a checklist that includes multiple locations or if no other hotspot or personal location is appropriate for your sightings.

About this Location

Seeing wildlife at Baxter State Park can be one of the most exciting and memorable experiences you can have in the Park. The Park provides intact watersheds and ecosytems representing complete assemblages of the flora and fauna of the Acadian Forest.

Wildlife can occur anywhere within the Park at anytime of the day or night. Although early morning and evening are usually the best times to see some wildlife, Park staff at campgrounds, gatehouses and the Park’s Visitor Center at Togue Pond can provide advice on local sites for viewing wildlife as well as recent updates on wildlife sightings.

For birders, the Park provides a listing of bird species found in the Park. Handouts on wildlife species and wildflowers found within the Park are also available at Park Headquarters and the Visitor Center.

Content from Official Website

Last updated September 25, 2023