Burnet Woods Important Bird Area

Burnet Woods
Important Bird Area

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Burnet Woods

About Burnet Woods Important Bird Area

Burnet Woods is a special category IBA. It is deemed important because of the migration ecology studies done in an urban park migrant trap. It is a City of Cincinnati Park, consisting of a matrix of woodlands and lawn, with a small lake and nature center.

This is a documented urban migrant trap. Duncan Evered’s, master’s thesis (1990), “The Influence of Weather on Landbird Ecology During Spring Migration in a Cincinnati Park”) demonstrates that migrants recaptured (using mist nets) had gained weight. Results demonstrate the importance of urban stopover for energetic restoration and successful continued migration by neotropical migrants. Burnet Woods, holding a mixture of mature deciduous woodland, scrub areas (and lawn with trees and a pond), appears to have been an urban migrant trap for woodland birds for many years. Worth Randle confirmed reports of unbelievable numbers of migrants by the Stephenson sisters, naturalists with the City of Cincinnati Parks. More than 10 years of formal bird inventories during spring migration have been documented by Stephan Pelikan and David Styer.

From Burnet Woods Important Bird Area webpage