Tranquility Wildlife Area

About this Location

Tranquility Wildlife Area is located in southwest Ohio, 16 miles south of Hillsboro on OH-770. County Road 100 (Old OH-32) runs along the southern boundary of the area.

The terrain is typical of the unglaciated hill region of Ohio. About 40 percent of the wildlife area consists of native woodlands. Oak and hickory dominate the dry ridges and upper slopes. Maple, beech, elm, and ash are most common on the lower slopes and along the streams. Index of Ohio’s trees from the Division of Forestry. Mixed brush with dense stands of red cedar make up about 40 percent of the area. The remaining 20 percent consists of grassland and cultivated fields.

A variety of both nesting and migrating birds utilize the area. Of particular interest are the spring migration of waterfowl and songbirds and the fall migration of hawks. A variety of songbirds can be found all year; observation of these birds is an excellent source of recreation and enjoyment for visitors.


  • Roadside viewing

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