Wayne National Forest--Newell Run Rd.

Wayne National Forest--Newell Run Rd.

Newport Township, Ohio 45768

Wayne National Forest website
Wayne National Forest printable maps

Also, see all the hotspots at:
Wayne National Forest-Marietta Important Bird Area

About this Location

Newell Run Road parallels Newell Run.

About Wayne National Forest

See all hotspots at Wayne National Forest

The Wayne National Forest is located in the hills of southeastern Ohio. This small national forest, in the heart of the heavily populated Midwest, covers almost a quarter million acres of Appalachian foothills. The Wayne is divided into three blocks administered by two Ranger Districts at Athens and Ironton. A field office is also located east of Marietta.

Visitors to national forest lands are welcome to camp, hike, hunt, and fish. The Forest boundaries surround a checkerboard pattern of ownership, with public and private ownership interspersed. There are over 300 miles of trails in the Forest for hiking, all-terrain vehicle (ATV) riding, mountain biking, or horseback riding.

Content from Wayne National Forest website