Broadview Farm Conservation Area

Broadview Farm Conservation Area

Derry, New Hampshire 03038

Official Website
Broadview Farm Conservation Area map

About this Location

Acquired in 1998 using proceeds of a bond authorized by the Derry Town Council for open space preservation. Broadview Farm was formerly a working dairy farm. The land and buildings fell into a state of severe disrepair when the owner passed away.

Improvements on the property were accomplished largely with volunteer labor from the Broadview Farm committee members, local citizens, and youths from the Jobstart program, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, and Girl Scouts. Portions of the farm are again planted with hay and corn. A sign, foot trails, and a camping area with tent platforms, an outhouse, and a dining pavilion have been constructed by local Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts.

The Zarba family has generously donated an access easement across their property from Cross Road. A sign on Cross Road and a trail from Cross Road to the existing trail system were completed in the spring of 2006. When visiting Broadview Farm from Cross Road, Please respect the rights of the property owners and stay on the trail until you reach Broadview Farm. Broadview Farm property begins at the remains of a stonewall and is marked by small white circular signs that read: “Town of Derry Conservation Area”


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Official Website

Last updated October 23, 2023