Jerry's Pond

Jerry's Pond

Cambridge, Massachusetts 02140

About this Location

Jerry's Pond was created from a clay pit that was used for making bricks in the late 1800s. It was named after Jeremiah McCrehan, who owned the land until he lost it to foreclosure. The pond became a popular swimming spot for residents, especially children until several drownings occurred and a public pool was built nearby. The pond was then fenced off and contaminated by toxic chemicals from a nearby chemical company. For decades, the pond has been inaccessible and neglected, but a group of activists called Friends of Jerry's Pond has been working to restore and improve the site. They have organized clean-up events, engaged with young people, and advocated for environmental justice. Recently, the land was sold to a real estate developer who has promised to open up the pond for public use in the future.

Jerry's Pond is adjacent to the Alewife Linear Path and the Alewife Station of Boston Transit.


  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Roadside viewing

  • Restrooms on site

  • Entrance fee

Last updated December 28, 2023