Sharon Woods Park--Gorge Trail

About this Location

 The Gorge Trail is a perfect place to bird watch. There are a variety of woodpeckers that can be seen and heard as they hunt for insects in dead trees. Other common birds include the belted kingfisher, barred owl, white-breasted nuthatch, tufted titmouse, and Carolina chickadee.

In 1977, Sharon Woods Gorge was designated as a State Nature Preserve because it contains valuable examples of Ohio’s native plant and animal communities, geological features and the habitats of rare and endangered species. It is under the protection of the Ohio Natural Areas Act of 1970.

While walking through the gorge, you can easily see the alternating layers of shale and limestone rock. This is the same bedrock that is found throughout our area. These fossil-filled rocks from the Ordovician period, about 450 million years ago, are quite unstable and are very prone to landslides.

Trail Length: 0.70 miles
Trail Type: Nature
Trail Level: Moderate

About Sharon Woods Park

See all hotspots at Sharon Woods Park

Sharon Woods is a popular park that features a visitor center with exhibits, a gift shop, and Adventure Station, an accessible two-story indoor play area for children ages two to 12. The park is a popular spot to exercise outdoors with a 2.6-mile paved multi-purpose trail around the lake, a 1.0-mile Parcours trail, and the 0.7-mile Gorge nature trail. Reservable areas include Lakeside Lodge, shelters, and picnic areas with Great Parks Catering available. As well as optional children’s celebration packages at Sharon Centre. Soccer practice fields are available for lease.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Sharon Woods Park Official Website

Last updated February 5, 2023