Bay View

Bay View

Bay View, Ohio 44870

Also, see all the hotspots at:
Erie County Lakeshore Birding Drive

Tips for Birding

Sandusky Bay can be viewed from the community of Bay View. The old bridge causeway to the east of the Edison Memorial Bridge provides access by auto with parking for birders to set up scopes and view birds on the bay.

About this Location

The Sandusky Bay Bridge Access (South) is a public fishing site located in Bay View. It is accessible from Bayview Drive.

The 2,080-foot long access extends north into Sandusky Bay and was once the southern approach to the old Sandusky Bay Bridge. In 1965, the majority of the bridge’s traffic was rerouted to the new four-lane Thomas A. Edison Memorial Bridge (OH-2 and OH-269). The old two-lane bridge, which connected to Danbury Township in Ottawa County, was removed in 1985.

The Bayview Drive Scenic Access is a 2,175-foot linear strip of green space along the northeast side of East Bayview Drive in Bay View. The site stretches from Bay View Village Hall (northwest) to the Martins Point Road intersection (southeast). The scenic access is unmarked and includes benches.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Ken Ostermiller and Lake Erie Public Access Guide