Red Rock Reservoir--Pinchey Bottoms

Red Rock Reservoir--Pinchey Bottoms

Swan, Iowa 50252

Printable County Checklist

About this Location

Important Bird Area.
In northwest Marion Co. From the town of Runnells in extreme southeast Polk Co., travel five miles south on Hwy. 316 to Dubuque St. (Dubuque St. is about four miles south of Runnells W.A.). Before reaching Dubuque you will pass the road to the town of Swan, to the east, and Dubuque will be one more mile south from here. Proceed east on Dubuque three miles to where it curves south (right), becoming 40th St. At this point, however, take the gravel road going north, to your left. Follow this to the parking area at the water. Walking the area requires boots. Start out straight ahead north from the parking area, walking an old roadbed. The roadbed is often under shallow water in a couple of short stretches, but not deeper than standard rubber boot height. Eventually turn right (east) for more viewing, although these sections can be very mucky in places.

About Red Rock Reservoir IBA

See all hotspots at Red Rock Reservoir IBA

The entire area is important as a resting area for large concentrations of migrating waterfowl, gulls, and shorebirds. The area is also critical as a wintering area for large numbers of Bald Eagles. Nesting birds include Bobolink, Cerulean Warbler, Black-billed Cuckoo, Wood Thrush, and in some years Kentucky Warbler.

The Red Rock Dam is about five miles southwest of Pella; the refuge area extends northwest beyond Runnells in Polk County to near Hartford in Warren County.


  • Roadside viewing

  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Iowa Ornithologists' Union, Iowa Ornithologists' Union, and Red Rock Reservoir IBA

Last updated June 17, 2023